• 1 Kinge TR, Bi ME, Nsobinenyui D, Teke AN, Annih MG, Zemenjuh ML, Okungbowa FI, Tofel HK (2024) Checklists of pests and diseases of fruits and vegetables in Bamenda, North West Region, Cameroon. Plant Pathology & Quarantine 14(1), 10–37, Doi 10.5943/ppq/14/1/2 Link
  • 2 Ndeh, B. J., Tacham, W. N., Katamssadan, T. H., & Rosemary Kinge, T. (2024). Morphological diversity of Ganoderma species and its host trees in Mezam Division, Northwest Region, Cameroon. Microbial Biosystems, 9(1), 1-16.
  • 1 Kinge T.R., Joyce Mnyazi Jefwa , Roël D. Houdanon, Héritier Milenge Kamalebo , Ahmed M. Abdel-Azeem, Marieka Gryzenhout , Dagmar Triebel , Tanja Weibulat and Gerhard Rambold (2023). Management and publication of scientific data on traditional mycological and lichenological knowledge in Africa. The Lichenologist (2023), 55, 169–179
  • 2 Tonjock Kinge, R., Moforcha Zemenjuh, L., Manju Bi, E., Ntsomboh-Ntsefong, G., Mbong Annih, G. and Esoeyang Tambe Bechem, E. (2023). Molecular phylogeny and pathogenicity of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. elaeidis isolates from oil palm plantations in Cameroon. Journal of Plant Protection Research 63(1) : 122-136. https://doi.org/10.24425/jppr.2023.144509
  • 3 Febnteh, E. B., Aanjah, G. M and Kinge, T. R. (2023): Diversity and Natural Regeneration Status of Pleurotus (Fr) Host Trees in Montane Forests of Etinde (Cameroon) and Ngel-Nyaki (Nigeria) for Proper Management. Journal of Research in Forestry, Wildlife & Environment, 15(4): 158 – 169
  • 4 Febnteh E. B. and Yani J. P. (2023). Assessment of the Natural Regeneration Status of Irvingia gabonensis (bush mango) in Gashaka Gumti National Park, Taraba State, Nigeria. Journal of Research in Forestry, Wildlife & Environment, 15(4): 171 – 183
  • 5 Febnteh, E. B., Anjah, G. M., Kinge, T. R., Ambebe, F. T. (2023): Abundance and Diversity of Pleurotus Species and Host Trees for Sustainable Management at Ngel-Nyaki Montane Forest Ecosystem. East African Scholars of Multidisciplinary Bulletin, 6(5): 45-53. ISSN 2617-4413 (Print)| ISSN 2617-717X (online). DOI: 10.36349/easjmb.2023v06i05.001.
  • 6 Febnteh, E. B, Anjah G. M, Kinge, T. R, Elisha, B. E. (2023): Abundance and Diversity of Pleurotus Species and Host Trees for Sustainable Management in Montane forests. Proceedings of the Congo Basin Symposium on Security of Biodiversity, Climate and Natural Resources in Yaoundé, November 15-18, 2023. Cameroon Journal of Biological and Biochemical Sciences (CJBBS). P.75
  • 7 Febnteh, E. B., Jatau, D. F., Anjah, G. M., Kinge, R. T., Scombi, S. O., Buba, U., Yani, J. P. (2023): Aspects of Tree Species Phenology and Diversity for Sustainable Conservation in the Chimpanzee Forest Habitat Kwano, Gashaka Gumti National Park, Nigeria. Asian Journal of Research in Agriculture and Forestry, 9(4), 57-80. https://doi.org/10.9734/ajraf/2023/v9i4235
  • 8 Febnteh, E. B., Jatau, D. F., and Schombi, S. O.(2023): Assessment of the Economic Benefits of Conservation Activities at Kwano Chimpanzee Forest Habitat in Gashaka Gumti National Park (GGNP), Nigeria. Asian Journal of Research in Agriculture and Forestry. 9(3), 189-199. http://doi.org/ 10.9734/ajraf/2023/v9i3223
  • 9 Schomi, O. S., Buba, U., Febnteh, E. B. (2023): An Analysis of Direct Observation and Camera Trapping in the Survey of Large Mammals in Gashaka Gumti National Park, Nigeria. International Journal of Integrative Sciences (IJIS). Vol.2, No.4, 2023: 497-510
  • 1 Nouck, A.E., Ekwel, S.S., Momnjoh, E.K., Erica, W.S., Taffouo, V.D., (2022) . Effects of mycorrhizal biofertilizer on the Biochemical constituent, Nutrient Uptake, Chlorophyll Content, Growth and Agronomic Parameters of American Yam Beans ( Pachyrizus erosus L.) under Saline Condition. Journal of Experimental Agriculture Environment. 44(4): 45-58.
  • 2 Anembom C., Tacham W. N., Chia G. K., Bih J. N. and Kinge T. R. (2022). Assessment of leaf spot disease on water leaf (Talinum triangulare (jacq.) Willd and in vitro effect of three medicinal plant extracts on pathogen(s) in the Northwest Region of Cameroon. African Journal of Agricultural Research, 18(9): 688-703.
  • 3 Anembom C., Tacham W. N., Chia G. K., Bih J. N. and Kinge T. R. (2022). Assessment of leaf spot disease on water leaf (Talinum triangulare (jacq.) Willd and in vitro effect of three medicinal plant extracts on the pathogen(s) in the Northwest Region of Cameroon. African Journal of Agricultural Research, 18(9):688-703.
  • 4 Nsoh, S.V., Ndam, W.T., Ngwang, M.V. and Kinge, T. R. (2022). The effect of substrates on the growth, yield, nutritional and phytochemical components of Pleurotus ostreatus supplemented with four medicinal plants. African Journal of Biotechnology. 21(6):292-304.
  • 5 Tonjock R. Kinge, Tofel Haman K., Azinue C. Lem and Djuidje M. Ngounoue (2022). COVID 19 Impact on Teaching and Research in Science Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) in Some State Universities in Cameroon. CAPROWN book chapter,
  • 6 Tonjock, R. Kinge, Samje, M. and Azinue, C. Lem (2022). Mushrooms as Alternative Medicine for Treatment of Fungal and Viral infections. In Responding to Disease outbreak in Cameroon. Book Chapter. RUDIER KOPPE VERLAG KOLN Publishers, 201pp.
  • 7 Manju, E.B., Mbong, G.A., Kinge, T.R., Fokunang, E.T. and Fokunang, C. (2022). Cultural, morphological and pathogenic variability of Phytophthora colocasiae Isolate from Taro in Cameroon. African Crop Science Journal 31 (1) : 51 – 63.
  • 8 Kinge, T. R., Ghosh, S., Cason, E. D., and Gryzenhout, M. (2022). Characterization of the Endophytic Mycobiome in Cowpea (Vigna unguiculata) from a Single Location Using Illumina Sequencing. Agriculture, 12(3) : 333. MDPI AG. Retrieved from http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/agriculture12030333
  • 9 Pambuka, G.T., Kinge, T.R., Ghosh, S., Cason, E.D., Nyaga, M.M. and Gryzenhout, M. (2022). Plant and Soil Core Mycobiomes in a Two-Year Sorghum–Legume Intercropping System of Underutilized Crops in South Africa. Microorganisms 10 : 2079. https://doi.org/10.3390/ microorganisms10102079
  • 10 Krasylenko, Y., Kinge, T. R., Sosnovsky, Y., Atamas, N., Tofel, K. H., Horielov, O., and Rambold, G. (2022). Consuming and consumed: Biotic interactions of African mistletoes across different trophic levels. Biotropica 00 : 1– 17. https://doi.org/10.1111/btp.13130
  • 11 Kinge, T. R., Ghosh, S., Cason, E. D., and Gryzenhout, M. (2022). Characterization of the Endophytic Mycobiome in Cowpea (Vigna unguiculata) from a Single Location Using Illumina Sequencing. Agriculture 12(3) : 333. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/agriculture12030333
  • 12 Anembom, C., Tacham, W. N., Chia, G. K., Bih, J. N., and Kinge, T. R. (2022). Assessment of leaf spot disease on water leaf (Talinum triangulare (jacq.) Willd and in vitro effect of three medicinal plant extracts on pathogen(s) in the Northwest Region of Cameroon. African Journal of Agricultural Research, 18(9) : 688-703.
  • 13 Nsoh, S. V., Tacham, W. N., Ngwang, M. V., and Kinge, T. R. (2022). The effect of substrates on the growth, yield, nutritional and phytochemical components of Pleurotus ostreatus supplemented with four medicinal plants. African Journal of Biotechnology 21(6) : 292-304.
  • 14 Pindeh, T. C., Erve, N. A., Kain, C. G., and Kinge, T. R. (2022). Sources, preservation and quality status of some locally cultivated vegetable seeds in Ndop, Northwest region, Cameroon. Journal of Yeast and Fungal Research 13(1): 1-8.
  • 1 Pambuka, G.T., Kinge, T.R., Ghosh, S., Cason, E.D., Nyaga, M.M., Gryzenhout, M. (2021). Baseline Data of the Fungal Phytobiome of Three Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) Cultivars in South Africa Using Targeted Environmental Sequencing. J. Fungi 7, 978. https://doi.org/10.3390/ jof7110978
  • 2 Miller, D. C., Doris N. Mutta, D. N., Mansourian, S., Devkota, D., Wildburger, C., Ihalainen, M., Jagger, P. A., Kabwe, G., Kamoto, J., Rasmussen, L. V., Timko, J., Ayana, A. N., Chagala, E., Derkyi, M. A. A., Kalaba, F. K., Kamwi, J., Kilawe, C. J., Kinge, T. R., Makungwa, S. D. and Etotépé A. Sogbohossou, E. A. (2021). Forests, Trees and Poverty Alleviation in Africa an Expanded, IUFRO Policy Brief 80pp.
  • 3 Okungbowa, F. I. and Kinge, T. R. (2021). Fusarium Species and Their Associated Mycotoxins in Foods and Their Products in Africa In: Food Security and Safety : African Perspective, Springer, Food Security and Safety 749-761. ISBN 978-3-030-50671-1 ISBN 978-3-030-50672-8 (eBook) https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-50672-8
  • 4 Gryzenhout, M., Ghosh, S., Tchotet, J. M. Vermeulen, M. and Kinge, T.R. (2021) Ganoderma: Diversity, Ecological Significances, and Potential Applications in Industry and Allied Sectors In : Industrially Important Fungi for Sustainable Development: Biodiversity and Ecological Perspectives. Springer, Fungal Biology 1 : 295-334.
  • 5 Teke NA, Bi, M. E., Ndam LM and Kinge T. R. (2021). Nutrient and mineral components of wild edible mushrooms from the Kilum-Ijim forest, Cameroon. African Journal of Food Science 15(4) : 152-161
  • 6 Besong, P. N. and Kinge, T. R. (2021). Fungi Diversity on Some Fruits and Biological Control using two Plants Extracts. Journal of Advances in Biology and Biotechnology 24(4) : 24-38. ISSN : 2394-1081
  • 7 Buba, U., Akosim, C., Febnteh, E. B., Hammanjoda, S. A., Barau, W. B., and Abwage. W. D. (2021): Seasonal Pattern of Tree and Vine Leaving, Flowering and Fruiting at Gashaka Gumti National Park, Nigeria. Taraba Journal of Agricultural Research. Pp. 37- 47.
  • 1 Kinge, T. R., Wiysahnyuy, L. F., Awah, T. M. and Nkuo-Akenji, T. (2020). Current Statistics in Science, Technology, and Innovation in higher education in Cameroon and the establishment of gender participation. African Journal of Rural Development. 5 (3)105-142
  • 2 Annih, M.G., Tatiana, N.C.B., Kinge, T.R., Mariette, A. and Kebei, A.K. (2020) Effect of Animal Manure on the Incidence and Severity of Leaf Spot Disease of Fluted Pumpkin (Telfairia occidentalis) in Dschang, West Region of Cameroon. American Journal of Plant Sciences 11: 1057-1076. https://doi.org/10.4236/ajps.2020.117076
  • 3 Kinge, T.R., Goldman, G., Jacobs, A., Nderitu, G. and Gryzenhout, M. (2020). The first checklist of macrofungi for South Africa. Mycokeys 63: 1-48.
  • 1 Kamtchueng, B.T., Wirmvem, M.J., Kinge, T.R. and Ntsefong, G.N. (2019). CONFCAYS 2019 & Sub Regional Training Workshop on Science Advice in Africa: Opportunity or illusion; Young Scientists: Mainspring of innovation and development in Africa. Link
  • 2 Kinge, T. R., Cason, E. D., Valverde, A., Nyaga, M. and Gryzenhout, M. (2019). Endophytic seed mycobiome of six sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) cultivars from commercial seedlots using an Illumina sequencing approach. Mycosphere, 10(1): 739–756.
  • 3 Sanyang, S.F., Yaouba, A., Kinge, T.R. and Tankou, C.M. (2019). Survey of Cultural Practices and Assessment of Some Foliar Fungi Diseases of Common Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) in the Western Highlands of Cameroon. Journal of Advances in Biology and Biotechnology 22(1): 1-15.
  • 4 Sanyang, S.F., Tankou, C., Yaouba, A. and Kinge, T. R. (2019). Effects of fungicide application and different nitrogen fertilizer levels on yield components of three varieties of common bean Phaseolus vulgaris L. African Journal of Agricultural Research 14(23): 963-974.
  • 5 Kinge, T. R., Moforcha, Z. L. and Mih, A. M. (2019). Cultural Variability of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. Elaeidis Isolates from Oil Palm in Southwestern Cameroon and Sensitivity to Four Plant Extracts. Plant Pathology & Quarantine 9(1): 116–127, Doi 10.5943/ppq/9/1/10
  • 6 Kinge, T.R., Lem, A.C. and Akwanjoh, S.R. (2019). Molecular Phylogeny of Polyporales from Bafut Forest, Cameroon and their Importance to Rural Communities. Journal of Biology and life Sciences. 10(2):1-16.
  • 7 Kinge, T. R., Lem, A. C. and Akwanjoh, S. R. (2019). Molecular Phylogeny of Polyporales from Bafut Forest, Cameroon and Their Importance to Rural Communities. Journal of Biology and Life Sciences 10(2): 1-16. https://doi.org/10.5296/jbls.v10i2.14339.
  • 8 Ache, N. T., Kinge, T. R., Bechem, E., Ndam, L. M. and Mih, A. M. (2019). Mushroom species richness, distribution and substrate specificity in the Kilum-Ijim forest reserve of Cameroon, Journal of Applied Biosciences 133: 13592 – 13617.
  • 1 Teke, N. A., Kinge, T. R., Bechem, E., Nji, T. M., Ndam, L. M. and Mih, A. M. (2018). Ethnomycological study in the Kilum-Ijim mountain forest, Northwest Region, Cameroon. Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine 14:25 https://doi.org/10.1186/s13002-018-0225-8.
  • 1 Teke, N. A., Kinge, T. R., Bechem, E., Mih, A. M., Kyalo, M. and Stomeo, F. (2017). Macro-fungal diversity in the Kilum-Ijim forest, Cameroon. Studies in Fungi 2(1): 47–58.
  • 2 Tonjock, R. K., Nkengmo, A. A., Nji, T. M., Ache, N. A. and Mih, A. M. (2017). Species Richness and Traditional Knowledge of Macrofungi (Mushrooms) in the Awing Forest Reserve and Communities, Northwest Region, Cameroon. Journal of Mycology, https://doi.org/10.1155/2017/2809239.
  • 1 Njouonkou, A. L., De Crop, E., Mbenmoun, A. M., Kinge, T. R., Biye, E. H. and Verbeken, A. (2016). Diversity of Edible and Medicinal Mushrooms Used in the Noun Division of the West Region of Cameroon. International Journal of Medicinal Mushroom. DOI: 10.1615/International Journal of Medicinal Mushrooms.v18.i5.20 Link
  • 2 Kinge, T. R., Djidjou, T. A. M., Nji, T. M., Ache, N. A. and Mih, A. M. (2016). Effect of local substrates on the growth and yield of Pleurotus ostreatus K. in the Northwest Region, Cameroon. Current Research in Environmental and Applied Mycology 6(1): 11–19, Doi 10.5943/cream/6/1/2 Link.
  • 3 Kinge, T. R., Adi, E. M., Nji, T. M., Ache, N. A. and Mih, A. M. (2016). Effect of substrate on the growth, nutritional and bioactive components of Pleurotus ostreatus and Pleurotus florida. African Journal of Biotechnology 15(27): 1476-1486.
  • 4 Mih, A. M. and Kinge, T. R. (2015). Ecology of Basal Stem Rot Disease of Oil Palm (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.) in Cameroon. American Journal of Agriculture and Forestry 3(5): 208-215.
  • 1 Kinge, T. R. and Mih, A.M. (2015). Diversity and distribution of species of Ganoderma in Southwestern Cameroon. Journal of Yeast and Fungal Research 6(2): 17-24.
  • 2 Anjah, G. M., Fotso, E., Tonjock, R. K. and Ndikum, V. M. (2015). Effects of varying temperatures, growth media and sowing methods on the germination of Aframomum melegueta. International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences 4(3): 659-665.
  • 1 Ndam, L. M., Mih, A. M., Fongod, A. G. M., Tening, A. S., Tonjock, R. K., Enang, J. E. and Fujii, Y. (2014). Phytochemical screening of the bioactive compounds in twenty (20) Cameroonian medicinal plants. International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences 3(12): 768-778.
  • 2 Kinge, T. R., Nji, T. M., Ndam, L. M. and Mih, A. M. (2014). Mushroom research, production, and marketing in Cameroon. Issues in Biological Sciences and Pharmaceutical Research 2 (7): 069-074.
  • 3 Tonjock, R. K. and Afui, M. M. (2014). Ganoderma Lobenense (Basidiomycetes), a New Species from Oil Palm (Elaeis guineensis) in Cameroon. Journal of Plant Sciences 2 (5): 242-245. doi: 10.11648/j.jps.20140205.25 Link.
  • 4 Tonjock, R. K., Enow, A. E., Ebai, M. T., Nji, T. M. and Afui, M. M. (2013). The first checklist of macrofungi of mount Cameroon. Mycosphere 4(4): 694-699.
  • 1 Egbe, E. A., Tonjock, R. K., Ebai, M.T., Nji, T. M. and Mih, A. M. (2013). Diversity and distribution of Macrofungi (Mushrooms) in the Mount Cameroon Region. Journal of Ecology and the Natural Environment 5(10): 318-334.
  • 1 Tonjock, R. K., Afui, M. M. and Coetzee, M. P. A. (2012). Molecular phylogenetic relationships among species of Ganoderma in Cameroon. Australian Journal of Botany 60(6): 526-538.
  • 1 Tonjock, R. K. and Mih, A. M. (2011). Secondary metabolites identification of oil palm Isolates of Ganoderma zonatum Murill from Cameroon and their Cytotoxicity against Five Human Tumor Cell Lines In vitro. African Journal of Biotechnology 10(42): 8440–8447.
  • 2 Tonjock, R. K., Ebai, M. T., Afui, M. M., Egbe, A. E., Njouonkou, L. and Nji, T. M. (2011). Ethnomycology Studies of Macro–Fungi (Mushrooms) in the Mount Cameroon Region. International Journal of Medicinal Mushroom 13(3):299–305.
  • 3Tonjock, R. K. and Mih, A.M. (2011). Ganoderma ryvardense sp. nov. Associated with Basal Stem Rot disease of oil palm in Cameroon. Mycosphere 2(2):179–188.
  • 1 Mih, A. M., Tonjock, R. K. and Ndam, L. K. (2008). Morphological Characterization of Four Selections of Vernonia hymenolepis A. Rich. (Asteraceae). World Journal of Agricultural Sciences 4(2): 220–223.